Dear Monte Vista Community,
My name is Jacob Trujillo and I am the school counselor here at Monte Vista! My goal is to be useful in my school community, assisting students in meeting their everyday needs and creating a safe learning environment for all students. As a school counselor, I work with all students, whether it is individually or as a group. During the school day, I work with students one-on-one and in small groups, provide classroom lessons and enjoy spending time out on the playground with my students. Some topics I explore with students include school safety, friendship skills, conflict-resolution, listening and responding, and mindfulness. Exploring these topics, I believe students will expand their social and emotional learning, giving them the skills, or tools, to better navigate their school day and everyday life.
School Counselors can meet with students on a short-term basis, when necessary, to respond to events and certain conditions. Responsive services consist of activities designed to meet students immediate needs and concerns. School counselors make referrals to appropriate community resources for students who require therapy or long-term counseling services.
- Phone: (505) 260-2030 extension 5
NM Crisis Information
If you have a life threating emergency, call 911 immediately.
New Mexico Crisis and Access Line
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
- 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474)
- TTY 1-855-227-5485
New Mexico Peer to Peer Warmline
- Call 3:30pm to 11:30pm or text 6pm to 11pm every day
- 1-855-4NM-7100 (466-7100)
- 711 for relay (hearing and speech impaired)